
Novi Sad, Serbia

BioSense Institute (BIOS) coordinates, focuses and advances research, introduction and promotion of state-of-the-art solutions in agriculture, ecology, health, environmental protection, water management and industry. BioSense Institute is an internationally recognized multi-disciplinary scientific research institute and a regional provider of advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) in agriculture and environmental monitoring. Institute has a special focus on micro and nano-technology sensors, Internet of Things, Robotics, Remote Sensing and Big Data.

With state-of-the-art equipment and – most important – with an international group of more than 70 enthusiastic interdisciplinary researchers, BioSense Institute is able to perform scientific research at the global level and contribute to the development and sustainability of eco-innovation in the areas of major importance for society – agriculture, health and the environment. BioSense Institute coordinates or participates in a large number of international research projects, including 22 Horizon 2020 projects. Biosense Institute employs researchers of different backgrounds and expertise, including chemists, materials scientists, materials engineers, physicists, biologists, electronic engineers, with experience on construction and application of nanomaterials for different health, environment and agriculture-related challenges.

The Center for sensor technologies at BIOS focuses on the development of sensors that can detect and measure different parameters and processes in biosystems, and as such be applied to the agri-food sector, environmental monitoring, and medical applications. To address these challenging tasks, the Center brings together researchers with a range of expertise, spanning from physics, chemistry and biology to electrical engineering and materials science.

Key people:  

Dr. Nikola Knežević, Project Coordinator & WP1 Leader
Dr. Nikolina Janković, Deputy Coordinator
Dr. Vasa Radonić, Quality Manager & WP4 Leader
Dr. Ivana Gadjanski Stanic, WP5 Leader
Dr. Slavica Savić, WP6 Leader
MSc. Maša Mimica, Financial Manager
MSc. Minja Mladenović, Dissemination Manager
MSc. Nataša Narevski, Administrative Manager
MSc. Milica Trajković


Dublin, Ireland

The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences of Trinity College Dublin is based in 3 large-scale Institutes for collaborative molecular medicine and clinical research, supporting graduate education in the life sciences – with the past nine years growing focus on nanomedicine as a horizontal theme spanning the future expertise of translational medicine. The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is also linked to the TCD-CRANN Nanotechnology institute and TCD-AMBER centre, industrially driven hub focused in Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research. The uniqueness of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences facilities is that all principal investigators share their knowledge and expertise within multiple institutes. Therefore the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science have unique expertise in translational research, which spans the entire spectrum from cellular based approaches, in vivo animal models to patient-orientated research.

Key people:  

Dr. Maria Jose Santos-Martinez, WP3 Leader
Dr. Oliviero Gobbo
Dr. Eduardo Ruiz-Hernandez
Dr. Amelia Ultimo


Vienna, Austria

The Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics is located within the Faculty of Chemistry and is further organized into five divisions that bridge different matters in Chemistry, Technology, Materials Science, Instrumental Analytical Chemistry, Bioanalytics, Electrochemistry and Environmental Chemistry. One scientific focus of the institute is development of analytical strategies and instrumentation including (bio)sensors, Omics-techniques, mass spectrometry, imaging techniques, ultra-trace separation and detection techniques on the elemental as well as molecular level. The latest initiative of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry is the establishment of a lab on a chip laboratory for bioscience technologies that combines aspects of microfluidics, material sciences, biosensing technologies and cell biology. Following the global trend of miniaturization, automation and integration the lab-on-a-chip laboratories maintain a range of rapid prototyping technologies and micromachining tools to develop computer controlled microanalysis platforms, biochips, micropumps and microdegassers. Furthermore, TUW and the Medical University Vienna has jointly established the Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine (VICEM, to establish constant exchange of ideas in subject areas relevant to Health EU. We also have contact with Correlated Multimodal Imaging (CMI,, the Austrian bioimaging node initiative, and the Austrian Microfluidics Initiative (, as part of the Austrian BioNanoNet.

Key people:  

Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter Ertl, WP2 Leader
M.Sc. Florian Selinger
M.Sc. Silvia Schobesberger

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952259.

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