Dr. Nikola Knežević (nknezevic@biosense.rs)

Dr. Nikola Knežević is the Project coordinator of the NANOFACTS project and a Research Associate Professor at the Center for Sensing Technologies, BioSense Institute. He graduated with PhD in Chemistry in 2009 at Iowa State University, USA; under the supervision of late Prof. Victor Shang-Yi Lin. He obtained further research experience as a Postdoctoral fellow at University of Houston (research in multistep organic synthesis), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (research in nanomaterials science), Institute Charles Gerhardt Montpellier (research in nanomaterials science), FP7 – ERA Chairs Postdoctoral researcher at Vinča Nuclear Institute and as Pole Chimie Balard Visiting professor at the University of Montpellier. Nikola’s record of over 60 scientific publications includes 2 book chapters and 32 peer-reviewed articles in highly ranked international journals. Nikola is the project coordinator of one H2020 project (NANOFACTS GA 952259), two Serbian national projects (PRECAST – 6060755, Proof of concept – 5566) and two bilateral research projects (with France and Germany). His research interests include synthesis of functional bioresponsive nanomaterials and their applications in health protection and construction of biosensors.

More details and the list of publications can be found at the following links:


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952259.

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