NANOFACTS aims to enhance the excellence of BioSense Institute (BIOS), University of Novi Sad, Serbia, in research on cancer theranostic nanomaterials and cancer diagnostics, and to promote collaboration with internationally leading institutions at EU level. To widen the research agenda at BIOS with cancer-related research and health-related biosensing technologies, NANOFACTS will harness and improve the pre-existing links with two leading European research institutions in the field of nanotechnology and development of biosensors:

  • Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland, The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, experienced in application of nanotechnology for cancer treatment and imaging; and its validation, including biocompatibility of nanoparticles/nanodevices.
  • Vienna University of Technology (TUW), Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry and Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, experienced in devising health-related biosensors.


Project objectives will be realised through the implementation of six work packages:

  1. Project management

  2. Enhancing BIOS S&T expertise with cancer biosensing diagnostics

  3. Capacity Building in cancer theranostics at BIOS

  4. Training of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)

  5. Strengthening research management and administration skills

  6. Dissemination and outreach activities

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952259.

2021 Nanofacts –  Design by Studio digital